If after a week you’re already thinking about giving up on your New Year’s resolutions why not aim to tick a few things off your bucket list in 2015 instead, and if you’re in need of a bit of inspiration here’s 10 awesome activities to try in the new year.
1. Bungee Jumping

Whether you choose to go it alone or drag a friend along for a tandem bungee jump nothing comes close to the rush of plummeting towards the ground head first!
2. Skydiving

Jumping out of a plane at 15,000 feet might not be everybody’s idea of fun, but this truly once-in-a-lifetime experience is guaranteed to push your adrenalin levels to new heights.
3. Zorbing

These bonkers bouncy balls are as fun as they are thrilling, and as you bump and bounce down the sloped track you’re guaranteed to be in stitches!
4. Clay Pigeon Shooting

There’s nothing more satisfying than blowing clays to smithereens as they soar through the air so why not put your sharp shooting skills to the ultimate test!
5. Supercar Driving Experience

Celebrate the new year in style by getting behind the wheel of the car of your dreams and finding out what it’s really capable of by putting it through its paces on the track.
6. White Water Rafting

Britain is home to some of the wildest white water in the world which means there’s no better place to experience the intense excitement of negotiating boulder strewn rapids.
7. 4×4 Off-Road Driving

Why not put your driving skills to the ultimate test by heading off the beaten to take on a mad and muddy off-road driving course.
8. Paintball

If you’ve always dreamt of unleashing your inner action hero, paintball gives you the perfect opportunity to live out your childhood dreams, no matter how old you are!
9. Segway

From flat out races to off-road treks there’s no end to the fun that can be had on Segway, and almost anybody can master the art of riding the futuristic transporter.
10. Quad Biking

Quad bikes can conquer almost any terrain so get ready for some mud churning mayhem as you take on the ultimate off-road adventure.