Plummeting towards the earth after leaping from a crane or bridge may not be everybody’s idea of fun but for the adrenaline seekers out there, there is no greater thrill than bungee jumping.
Bungee jumping dates back to the time of the Aztec people who would jump from tall wooden structures with vines tied to their legs, as a test of their manhood.

Thankfully bungee jumps have become much safer, rigorous health and safety checks are common place and each participant is weighed and fitted for a safety harness before they take the plunge.
The first recognised bungee jump was in Britain, in 1979 when members of Oxford Universities dangerous sports club jumped from the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol. There are now sites across Britain that offer standard bungee jumps as well as catapult bungee jumps.

Most jumps in the UK are from a crane which means the height can be made higher or lower depending on how brave you’re feeling. The majority of locations will offer two different heights, a standard jump at around 160ft and a more challenging jump from a staggering 300ft in the air. Crane jumps are by far the most popular type of jump in the UK and whatever height you choose to step off the platform from, your heart is sure to be racing.
A new variation on the traditional bungee jump is the catapult bungee jump or reverse bungee jump as they are also known. This type of bungee involves participants being flung into the air rather than jumping from a raised platform towards the ground. Launched in 2011 by David Hasselhoff on ITV game show ‘Red or Black’, catapult bungee jumps are great for people attempting their first jump or for more experienced jumpers who are looking for a new thrill.

Rather than making your way to the top of a crane, you remain slightly closer to the ground. Once your are safely in your harness, the bungee cord is attached to a crane which takes up the slack and suspends you in mid-air. Then on the count of 3, 2, 1, Bungee! The instructor will release the rip cord sending you soaring through the air.
While its probably not the best idea to wear a skirt or high heels you can pretty much bungee wearing whatever you’re comfortable in. T-shirts, shorts and track suits are all fine, choosing the right footwear is much more important. Make sure to wear enclosed or well fitted shoes to avoid losing them mid-jump, alternatively you can make the leap bare foot.
Most locations will also offer the opportunity to do a tandem bungee jump which gives you the chance to jump with one of the experienced members of staff, or a bewildered friend or colleague. The rush of a bungee jump is addictive and once you’ve made your first jump you’ll already be planning your next. So why not throw yourself head first into one of Britain’s most loved adrenaline activities?
Book your jump with The Activity People today!